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Reduce, Reuse and Recycle!

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Reduce, Reuse and Recycle!

Reduce, Reuse and Recycle! teaser

Late last year the children have been busy exploring the concepts of Reducing, Reusing and Recycling.

This topic helps children to learn about our impact on the environment and how we can positively impact climate change. We have noticed that children become really engaged in this topic, as they are able to actively make a difference both within the Centre and when they are at home, or out and about. This project has empowered children to make positive choices regarding the ways they dispose of rubbish, and allowed them to make a real difference even at such a young age. 

Each of our Rooms had a particular area of focus. To re-cap on our learning and discovery, you can read our Green Newsletter here.

As momentum around early childhood education for sustainability has built over the last decade, it has become evident that starting sustainability in early childhood is not only possible, but also necessary. I believe early childhood educators have a moral and ethical responsibility to promote lifelong learning towards sustainability beginning at birth. 
-Sue Elliot 

There are lots of ways that we can minimize waste and recycle in the home, especially during the festive season. Be sure to check out Planet Arks suggestions.

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